Combustion of Fuels
What is this
The calculations shows combustion results of various fuels like Gross Calorific Value, Net Calorific Value, Unit Wet Air, Unit Wet Gas, Unit Dry Gas:
Why do you need this
Combustion calculations are the first step for designing equipment like Boilers, IC Engines, Gas Turbines, Thermic Fluid heaters, Burners ..etc.
Input/Output Data
User can select any one of the Units and then select the fuel and furnish other details like excess air. Once the user clicks the RUN>> button, the software carryout combustion calculations and displays the result. The output data consists of exhaust gas composition by volume , Gross Calorific Value,Net Calorific Value,Unit Wet Air and other related data.
Areas where these calculations are useful and for whom
This data is useful for design engineers, boiler practicing engineers, consultants and boiler operating engineers.